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  • 1/20

    What is a "flat" in British English?

    What is a "flat" in British English?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    A table
    A road
    An apartment
    A book

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    The difference between a flat and an apartment is thin, and the usage is largely dependent on the region. For example, ‘apartment’ is a term more common among Americans, while the British prefer to call it a ‘flat.’ A flat, as per British English, means a set of rooms forming an individual residence, typically on one floor and within a larger building. Together, they are also called a block of flats. The term ‘apartment’ is preferred by Americans.

    Source: Sobha

  • 2/20

    What word can mean both "hello" and "goodbye" in Italian?

    What word can mean both "hello" and "goodbye" in Italian?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    Ciao is the most informal way to say both hello and goodbye in Italian. Although ciao is the most commonly heard greeting in Italy, it’s important to notice who is saying it. Italians use this with people they are familiar with… people they know. If you are greeted first with a ciao then you can respond with ciao back.

    Source: Medium.com

  • 3/20

    What does the Italian word "Pomodoro" mean?

    What does the Italian word "Pomodoro" mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    The Italian word "pomodoro" means "tomato." The tomato is native to the western part of South America and was first cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico. It was brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, where it was initially grown as an ornamental plant. It wasn't until the 18th century that tomatoes were widely cultivated and used as a food in Europe.

    Source: Toast

  • 4/20

    What is the official language of Mexico?

    What is the official language of Mexico?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    The Spanish language has been present in Mexico since the 16th century when it began to be used as a language of government and administration. After the sixteenth century, it wasn’t until the 19th century that the Spanish language acquired official status in the United Mexican states during the colonial period. Further, into the 18th century of Mexican independence, many different languages were spoken in the country, including Amerindian languages, Spanish, and foreign languages such as English and French.

    Source: Certified Translation

  • 5/20

    What's the meaning of the Italian greeting 'buongiorno'?

    What's the meaning of the Italian greeting 'buongiorno'?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Good night
    Good day
    Good riddance
    Good luck

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    If you look up the translation of buongiorno, you will probably find that it literally means good day but also means good morning. In fact, good morning is the first or only translation listed. How is that possible? It comes down to how Italians actually use buongiorno in day-to-day life. Buongiorno is a greeting that Italians use for most of the daytime, until after lunch (about 2 or 3 pm) in much of Italy. In other parts of Italy, it is used as a greeting as long as there is daylight. In any case, since it is used throughout the morning, buongiorno is usually translated as good morning.

    Source: Getting to Know Italy

  • 6/20

    Which of these languages is most widely spoken in Australia?

    Which of these languages is most widely spoken in Australia?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    Though Australia has no official language, English is regarded as the de facto national language. Even so, Australia is a linguistically and culturally diverse country with influences from more than 160 spoken languages. Overall, about 76.8% of the people speak English only, and 18.2% are non-English speakers.

    Source: World Atlas

  • 7/20

    What type of coffee means "stained" in Italian?

    What type of coffee means "stained" in Italian?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    In Italian, the term "macchiato" translates as "marked" or "stained", meaning a stained or marked coffee. The macchiato is an espresso coffee drink, topped with a small amount of foamed or steamed milk to allow the taste of the espresso to still shine through. The origin of the name "macchiato" stems from baristas needing to show waiters the difference between an espresso shot and an espresso with a bit of milk in it. As the latter is "marked" or "stained" by the addition of milk, it was quickly given its name to highlight the addition.

    Source: Nescafe

  • 8/20

    What's the most widely spoken language in Brazil?

    What's the most widely spoken language in Brazil?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie



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    Portuguese is the official language as well as the most widely spoken language in Brazil. With roughly 204 million speakers, Brazil is the world's most populated Portuguese-speaking country by a wide margin, followed only by Angola and Mozambique, which boast 20 million and 14 million speakers respectively. Brazil is the largest country in South America both by land area and by population. It is home to over 209 million people, and its largest city is São Paulo, which also happens to be the largest city in South America as well as one of the largest cities in the entire world.

    Source: World Atlas

  • 9/20

    What does faux pas mean?

    What does faux pas mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    False step
    Sharp turn
    Fake leather

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    Faux pas literally means "false step" in French, and that's a great description of what you do when you make a faux pas. It's a matter of stepping in the wrong direction, or saying exactly the wrong thing. A faux pas can offend people sometimes, but more often it's just embarrassing for everyone involved.

    Source: Vocabulary

  • 10/20

    Which of these countries does not have an official language?

    Which of these countries does not have an official language?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    The United States

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    The United States does not have an official language at the federal level, but the most commonly used language is English (specifically, American English), which is the de facto national language. Many other languages are also spoken at home, especially Spanish (13.2% of the population), according to the American Community Survey (ACS) of the U.S. Census Bureau; these include indigenous languages and languages brought to the U.S. by people from Europe, Africa, and Asia.

    Source: Wikipedia

  • 11/20

    Which of these Latin phrases means "The other I"?

    Which of these Latin phrases means "The other I"?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    In personam
    Alter ego
    Acta Non Verba

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    While Latin hasn't been regularly spoken or written for hundreds of years (save for the occasional scholarly text or artsy tattoo) its legacy is still felt throughout the lexicon of both Romance and Germanic languages. For example, Alter ego is a phrase commonly used in everyday English that you may be surprised to learn it's Latin. It translates to "the other I" and today means someone's secondary or alternate personality.

    Source: Best Life

  • 12/20

    What does "biscotti" mean in Latin?

    What does "biscotti" mean in Latin?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Baked dough
    Twice baked

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    The word biscotti is derived from the Latin "biscoctus", meaning twice baked or cooked: The dough is formed into logs, baked, cooled, and baked again. Whereas Italians use the word "biscotti" to refer to various cookies, Americans use the term to refer to the singular long, crisp, twice-baked Italian cookie. The biscotti found in stylish cafes today have utterly common origins. The first biscotti, often referred to as Biscotti di Prato, were created in 14th-century Tuscany in the city of Prato and were made from almonds, which were abundant in the region. Because the second baking drew moisture out of the biscuit, it rendered the biscotti hard, sturdy, and, importantly, resistant to mold. Consequently, biscotti turned out to be the ideal food to store. They soon became a favored provision of sailors, including Christopher Columbus, who traveled at sea for months at a time with the crunchy cargo.

    Source: npr

  • 13/20

    Ironically, what does "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" mean?

    Ironically, what does "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    A fear of hippos
    A fear of heights
    A fear of open spaces
    A fear of long words

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    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t officially recognize this phobia. Instead, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is considered a social phobia. People with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia may feel fear and anxiety when seeing a long word. They may also avoid reading so they don’t have to come across long words that’ll cause them to panic. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the fear of long words can trigger embarrassment or feelings of being mocked when pronouncing or reading long words.

    Source: Healthline

  • 14/20

    What does the word amphibian mean?

    What does the word amphibian mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Water and earth
    Double life
    Split life

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    The word amphibian was taken from the Greek “amphi” meaning “double” and “bios” meaning “life” which is quite fitting as these creatures do live a double life. Emerging from eggs that are usually laid in the water, most amphibians begin their life with gills. They soon lose these gills and metamorphose from a completely aquatic form into a more terrestrial form.

    Source: National Park Service

  • 15/20

    What does the word "Jenga" mean in English?

    What does the word "Jenga" mean in English?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    To destroy
    To build
    To create
    To crumble

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    Jenga was created by Leslie Scott, the co-founder of Oxford Games Ltd, based on a game that evolved within her family in the early 1970s using children's wooden building blocks the family purchased from a sawmill in Takoradi, Ghana. The name Jenga is derived from kujenga, a Swahili word that means 'to build'. A British national, Scott was born in Tanganyika, now Tanzania, where she was raised speaking English and Swahili, before moving to live in Ghana, West Africa. Scott launched the game she named and trademarked as "Jenga" at the London Toy Fair in January 1983.

    Source: Wikipedia

  • 16/20

    What does the word orangutan mean?

    What does the word orangutan mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Person of the forest
    Guardian of the forest
    Saviour or the forest
    Warrior of the forest

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    The word orangutan comes from the Malay words “Orang,” meaning person, and “Hutan,” meaning the forest. Thus, the word " Orangutan " literally translates to “person of the forest.” There are three separate species of orangutan – the Sumatran orangutan, the Bornean orangutan, and the Tapanuli orangutan. Unfortunately, as soon as it was re-discovered in 2017, the Tapanuli orangutan was classified as the most endangered great ape species.

    Source: Orangutan

  • 17/20

    What does "karate" mean in Japanese?

    What does "karate" mean in Japanese?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Conduct code
    Knight honor
    Close Combat
    Empty hand

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    Karate, (Japanese: “empty hand”) unarmed martial arts discipline employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Emphasis is on concentrating as much of the body’s power as possible at the point and instant of impact. Striking surfaces include the hands (particularly the knuckles and the outer edge), ball of the foot, heel, forearm, knee, and elbow.

    Source: Britannica

  • 18/20

    What does "LEGO" mean?

    What does "LEGO" mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Play fair
    Play smart
    Play simply
    Play well

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    The LEGO Group was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen. The company has passed from father to son and is now owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder. The name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt,” meaning “play well.” The LEGO brick is the company’s most important product. The brick, in its present form, was launched in 1958. The interlocking principle with its tubes makes it unique and offers unlimited building possibilities.

    Source: Lego.com

  • 19/20

    What did the word robot originally mean?

    What did the word robot originally mean?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Forced labor
    Metallic body
    Lost glance

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    The word robot is a relative newcomer to the English language. The word was the brainchild of a Czech playwright, novelist, and journalist named Karel Čapek (1880-1938). Robot is drawn from the old Church Slavonic word “robota,” for “forced labor” or “drudgery.” The term also has equivalents in German, Russian, Polish, and Czech. More recently, robots and the derived term robotics have come to represent the most modern engineering technologies for a myriad of functions ranging from artificial intelligence experiments and building automobiles to performing delicate surgical procedures.

    Source: Science Friday

  • 20/20

    What does "Ottawa" translate to in English?

    What does "Ottawa" translate to in English?

    Classic Cutie


    Classic Cutie


    Long river
    To trade
    Big tree
    Cold place

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    Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is located at the confluence of the Ottawa River and the Rideau River in the southern portion of the province of Ontario. The origin of the name "Ottawa" is derived from the Algonquin word adawe, meaning "to trade". The word refers to the indigenous people who used the river to trade, hunt, fish, camp, harvest plants, do ceremonies, and other traditional uses.

    Source: Wikipedia

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